Any visitors who come across this page, share your faves too, please :)
If you want these, you can search in the market OR
-download Barcode Scanner from the market
- Google the app (include Android market in your search)
- Scan the barcode for the app with barcode scanner on your phone. It will take you right to the app in the market. Nifty!
Beautiful widgets!
Dolphin browswer, as a replacement for the stock browser
PANDORA (iheartradio comes out sometime today, too. Supposedly. I can't find it!)
HiAim for AOL instant messenger
Twidroid for Twitter
Wheres my Droid - so you can find your phone when its on silent and you've lost it in your bed. ;)
Battery widget - so you can see whats up with yo batt
Power control widget - you can quickly dim the screen, turn wifi and gps on and off
Missed Call lets you change the color of the LED..for example, I have green for email, pink for texts, yellow for calendar, on and on
Advanced Task Killer to help with battery life
Pure Calendar widget
Pure Email widget
FourSquare gives you points based on places you go.. kind of confusing to explain, but you can check out I like it, but its not very fun if you don't know too many other people playing. All my points are from going to Sullivan's. Hahahaha.
GemBuster. I started with the free and liked it so much I bought the full
Google Navigation is very cool, a few apps that enhance:
Places Directory lets you search around your area
Meridan is a nice music player
iMusic lets you download music free
Album Art Grabber puts album art with your music
Mixzing - playlist creator
Video: has full episodes from CBS. Hulu is supposed to be coming in January!
iVideo downloads videos. I haven't played with this one too much yet
Home replacement:
I use PandaHome to customize my home screens. I'm not 100% happy with it, but they keep pushing out updates so I'm hoping its a little smoother soon. I can use PandaHome for themes, adding screens (I have 4 instead of 3) and changing the icons for various apps. It's a little tricky to figure out. I think a lot of this stuff we'll be able to do anyway with the update to Android 2.1 in January.
Other stuff I like:
Dockrunner puts your phone in multimedia mode
Movies - links with Facebook
Astrid - to do list
Bubble (because it's cool :) )
Color Flashlight
DC Metro Map
FX Camera
Google Sky Map
E! Online
Key Ring (for frequent shopper cards)
My Coupons
NASA Images (because I'm a nerd)
Google Sky Map (because I am a super nerd)
TV Guide
Steamy Window
Bloo is a Facebook app that I like, but the notifications are super annoying so I stopped using it. I'm using on the dolphin browser. myspace's new site looks so cool now I almost - ALMOST - want to start using myspace again, but the only people doing anything over there are 12 so.. never mind.
Hope this is helpful! :)
Hmm. Wow. I use a lot of apps! :D